We make all articles published in our journal Open access which is nothing but making research articles freely available to the public after publication in the International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation without any payment or registration. Anyone can benefit from reading and utilizing the research. Open access allows the scientific community to freely exchange knowledge, creativity, and resources. Open-access publishing means that the authors’ articles will be available online immediately after publication, increasing the visibility, readership, and impact of your research. The Crossref and DOI assignment numbers make the open-access research article easy to identify and retrieve. By making our authors’ articles open-access, they will receive a high number of citations and impact factors which will build their confidence in publishing the next version of the research article. The psychosocial research article submitted must be in the highest quality search, more visible, shareable, and citable on an online platform in order to attract more readers and spread to the wider scientific community. This can be accomplished by granting the publishing authority open access to your research article content. You will make your article more recognizable and authentic for the wider community to spread and get published in world-recognized research database journals namely, the International Journal of Psychological Rehabilitation.

We receive articles from a wide range of authors and make the incoming article open-access in order to gain recognition and ensure that the material obtained has not been submitted elsewhere and is not under review by any other publisher so that the author can reap the benefits of making his article open access and reviewed by Peers in that field of study. We have assisted many articles in having their journals published on an open-access platform in order to increase the number of citations, exchange perspectives with readers, establish connectivity with readers, and increase the number of reader audiences. Finally, make the article authentic and add value so that it is accepted by our peer-reviewed and editorial team of experts and can get your article published in the highly recognized International Journal of Psychological Rehabilitation journal.