Information for Editors

Editors oversee editorial work and take every action possible in developing the content of the journal. They also review the scope of the journal in consultation with the publisher and make recommendations and suggestions, if any, to both the author and the publisher. The pre-screening stage includes two major steps: a technical pre-check by the Editorial Office and an editorial pre-check by an academic editor.

The Managing Editor will conduct a technical pre-check immediately following submission to assess:

Overall manuscript suitability for the journal/section/Special Issue

Adherence to high-quality research and ethical standards in manuscripts

To be eligible for further review, rigor standards must be met.

The submission will be forwarded to the academic editor, who will be invited to perform an editorial pre-check. During the editorial pre-check phase, the academic editor will evaluate the submission's suitability in terms of the journal's scope, as well as the overall scientific soundness of the manuscript, including the relevance of the references and the correctness of the applied methodology. Academic editors have the option of rejecting the manuscript, requesting revisions before peer review, or proceeding with the peer review process and recommending appropriate reviewers.

Guest Editors of Special Issues are not permitted to make decisions on their own manuscripts submitted to their Special Issue due to a conflict of interest. Instead, an Editorial Board member will be in charge of making decisions. Except in their capacity as author, the Guest Editor will have no access to the review process. Similarly, except in their capacity as authors, Editors-in-Chief and other Editorial Board members do not have access to the review process of their manuscript.

Potential reviewers can be suggested by authors to the International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation and we will not consider those with competing interests unless there are no potential conflicts of interest. During the initial submission of the manuscript, authors can also enter the names of potential peer-reviewers they want to exclude from consideration in the peer-review of their manuscript. The editorial team will honor these requests as long as they do not interfere with the submission's objective and thorough evaluation.

When only minor or major revisions are suggested, the International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation will ask the author to revise the paper before referring it to the academic editor. Where there are conflicting review reports or one or more rejection recommendations, feedback from the academic editor is sought before a decision on revisions is communicated to authors. Academic editors may request additional reviewers or additional review reports during the revision stage. Depending on whether the reviewer requested to see the revised version, revised versions of manuscripts may or may not be sent to reviewers. Reviewers who request major revisions or recommend rejection will be sent the revised manuscript by default.

After a minimum of two review reports have been received, the academic editor can make acceptance decisions on manuscripts. An academic editor makes acceptance decisions. Guest Editors are unable to make decisions on their own papers, which are instead assigned to an appropriate Editorial Board member. We expect the academic editor to check the following items before making a decision:

The suitability of the chosen reviewers

Reviewer comments and author response are adequate.

The paper's overall scientific quality

Peer Reviewers make recommendations, and the Editors-in-Chief or academic editors have the right to disagree. If they do so, they must justify their decision to the authors and reviewers. The manuscript and related information will be forwarded to a designated Editorial Board Member by the Managing Editor. The consulted Academic Editor will be asked to provide an advisory recommendation on the manuscript, which may recommend acceptance, additional peer review, or upholding the original rejection decision. The Editor-in-Chief will then approve this decision. At this point, a rejection decision is final and cannot be reversed.

The International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation is a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and adheres to its Transparency and Best Practice in Scholarly Publishing Principles. COPE's procedures for dealing with potentially unethical behavior by authors, reviewers, or editors are followed by our journals. Our entire editorial staff has been trained to recognize and respond to ethical issues.

Ethical concerns raised by journal readers will be investigated by the editorial office in accordance with COPE guidelines. The Editorial Board can resolve disagreements about the validity of research reported in published papers. Where necessary, we will refer disputes about authorship, data ownership, author misconduct, and so on to external organizations such as a university ethics committee. Authors are asked to respond to any credible allegations leveled against them.

All International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation articles are peer-reviewed and evaluated by our independent Editorial Boards, and we are not involved in manuscript acceptance decisions. We expect the academic editor to base his or her decision solely on:

The suitability of the chosen reviewers

Reviewer comments and author response are adequate.

The paper's overall scientific quality.

International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation policies is informed by the mission to make science and research findings as widely and quickly as possible in all of our journals and in all aspects of our operations.

INFORMATION FOR EDITORSOur Editors are also in charge of understanding, leading, and upholding the International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation's peer review and ethics guidelines. It's the responsibility of our editors for making final decisions on manuscripts in their fields of expertise, will edit Special Issues, and may be invited to review manuscripts.
International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation Editors Pre-screen & take decisions regarding new submissions and provide input, suggestions, or feedback regarding journal policies. At the same time, promote the journal among their peers and at conferences. They should attend the editorial board meetings to suggest & provide assistance in solving appeal cases or ethical disputes.
Invite colleagues in the same field of study to contribute to the Special Issue. Collaboration with scholars from all over the world is possible through Special Issues. Editors' primary responsibilities are not excluded from the:
  • Creating the Special Issue title, goal and scope, summary, and keywords
  • Making a list of potential contributors available
  • Pre-screen new submissions, supervise the entire peer-review process, and make decisions on new submissions in their Special Issue
  • Promotion of the Special Issue at conferences, on social media, and through other appropriate channels

Our In-house editorial staff members typically work for multiple journals related to their educational background. Assistant Editors oversee the peer-review and production processes for manuscripts; Managing Editors are in charge of the journal's editorial content. Production Editors, English Editors, Copyeditors, and Data Specialists are in charge of converting approved content into a publishable format.

When a manuscript is submitted, it is received by the in-house Managing Editor, who then coordinates the entire editorial process for the manuscript, including peer review, decision-making, possible author revisions, manuscript acceptance, copyediting, English editing, proofreading, and final publication. An in-house Assistant Editor will be assigned to the submitted article, and evaluation invitations will be sent. The final acceptance or rejection decision for a manuscript can be made by the Editor-in-Chief, Guest Editor, or a suitable Editorial Board member, usually after the author's revisions. We usually limit major revisions to no more than two rounds.

After an article is accepted for publication, the in-house editorial staff organizes the paper's production, which includes copyediting, English editing, and final production in preparation for publication on the journal's website. All journals are organized into annual volumes and monthly or quarterly issues. Nonetheless, articles are published online as soon as they are accepted and produced.

Editorial Board Responsibilities


    The Editor-in-Chief is a supporter of the journal and their field. They oversee journal activities in order to ensure the journal's success within the scientific community. The Editor-in-Chief is in charge of the journal's scientific quality and development. The Editor-in-Chief is expected to maintain contact with the Editorial Board and to assist the Editorial Office with journal management. The Editor-in-Chief is also in charge of the scientific quality of a specific section of a journal. The Section Editor-in-Chief is expected to oversee the journal Sections and its board members' growth and development.


    The section editor-in-chief is in charge of the scientific quality of a specific section of a journal. The Section Editor-in-Chief is expected to oversee the journal Sections and its board members' growth and development. Section editors-in-chief act as an ambassador for the journal and open-access publishing. Scientific decisions about the scope of their section. They also invite distinguished scientists to join the editorial board members.


    International Psychosocial Rehabilitation Journal Invite distinguished scientists to serve on the Associate Editorial Board in order to contribute ideas and resolve issues related to special issues by empowering and advising Editorial Board Members and Editorial Staff as needed.


    The editorial board members will be in charge of making final decisions on manuscripts in their field of expertise, editing Special Issues, and reviewing manuscripts. They pre-screen and make decisions on new submissions pertaining to their research interests and Set up at least one Special Issue on a topic related to their research interests during their term. Assist in attracting appropriate expert authors and inviting young scholars to join the topical advisory panel. Provide suggestions or feedback on journal policies. They also indeed help spread the word about the journal among their peers or at conferences. The editorial board members  are responsible for ensuring the peer-reviewed article's accuracy, quality, and overall intellectual content, as well as supervising the review process to ensure that it is thorough, original, legitimate, and timely. 


    The Section Editors supervise editorial work and take every action possible to develop the journal's content. Generally, they Pre-screen new submissions related to their journal Section and make decisions on them. In consultation with the International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation Journal, they also review the scope of the journal and make recommendations and suggestions, if any, to both the author and us. Contribute to the editing of a Special Issue on a topic related to their Section. They are responsible to provide suggestions or feedback on journal policies & also assisting in disseminating information about the journal among their peers or at conferences by attending Board Meetings and making suggestions for journal development strategies while reviewing the submitted research articles on psychology and its categories.


    The Advisory board members will advise the Editor-in-Chief on journal development strategies and policies. They pre-screen and make decisions on new submissions related to their journal Section. They also review the scope of the journal in consultation with the International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation Journal and make recommendations and suggestions, if any, to both the author and us. They are responsible for making suggestions or providing feedback on journal policies, as well as assisting in disseminating information about the journal among their peers or at conferences by attending Board Meetings and making suggestions for journal development strategies while reviewing submitted research articles on psychology and its categories and assist in the resolution of appeal cases or ethical disputes.