Development of Green Economy in Uzbekistan

1Shahnoza Fayzieva


Today the economy of our country is developing. One of the main objectives of the economy is to meet unmet needs through the rational distribution of limited resources. Of course, every natural resource is limited, and it may end up one day. It is a pity that this issue is growing today. The global demand for water is increasing due to the fact that about 6 million hectares of land are annually exposed to desertification, about sixty thousand plants and more than seven thousand species are on the verge of extinction, population growth and new land development. is proof of this. Therefore, it is necessary to work together to solve emerging problems, to apply energy-efficient technologies in the industry, to use natural resources, and to protect the environment as a whole. In this regard, the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev in his address to the Oliy Majlis on January 26, 2020 also stated many goals for the development of green economy, in particular, “We need to focus on environmental protection and environmental improvement. First of all, we should continue our unprecedented efforts to mitigate the Aral Sea disaster, expand forests on the dry seabed, and build green belts around Nukus, Urgench and Khiva. It is also important to improve the system of environmental control of production processes, revise the procedure for conducting environmental audits and revitalize private auditing activities.


Development of Green Economy in Uzbekistan

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