Social Inclusion Policy and Discrimination Prevention in Contemporary India

1Rabi Kumar, Sandeep Kumar Gupta, Chhabi Mohan, ChhayaDubey, Richa


Reservation in case of the caste-based system has intended to accomplish a definitive objective of advancement and help the different communities to walk together. It provides the entire people with the same right to work under the same umbrella. Presently it has brought about further fracture and bisection of the general public on rank lines which was no ways the goal with which unique arrangements for supplement had fused. The Indian Constitution prospered uniformity to all residents and builds up a standard of non-segregation by the Government in any way. It guarantees the Government to treat all residents similarly and enables uniformity of dignity. Chance to all and explicitly gives that segregation based on religion, sex, shading, rank or race are impermissible. It had presumed that the goal was to change over a general public divided on the basis of religion, standing and financial dignity into a homologous social world.In the present study, it has shown that the Constitution deals with these more unprivileged sectors of social world defensive segregation in different articles, including Article 16(4) and Article 15(4). This Provision enables the Government to reserve a unique spot for the headway of any socially and instructively in depressed classes of residents or for booked standings and planned tribes. This study intends to talk about fairness and Provisionaffiliated by theConstitution of India and manages the BP Mandal Commission and the way it impacted the provisional approaches.


Equality, Mandal Commission, Reservation, Discrimination Prevention, Constitution, Social Inclusion, Equality, Article 15(4), Article 16 (4), Article 15(4).

Paper Details
IssueIssue 6