Comparative Study on Problem Based Learning against Conservative Learning Method among Undergraduate Medical Students

1S.P. Jai Prabhu*, K. Prabhu, Balaji Karunakaran and Yuvaraj Maria Francis


Problem Based Learning (PBL) has been found to be an effective tool for a lifelong learning. PBL and routine lectures are different in so many ways, as PBL require active participation of the students. In PBL, the problem has to the analyzed by the student(s) himself and the it has to be understood and has to find a solution to the problem, which will eventually improve the cognitive ability and thought processes of the students. Medical stream is different from others as in this field professionals have to develop lifelong learning habits. More over to become a successful doctor one should develop the skills to integrate the basic medical sciences with the clinical subjects. Through PBL a lifelong learning can be accomplished and it be an effective tool. PBL is different from routine lectures as it makes the students to participate actively. The aim of this study is to analyse the validity of Problem Based Learning (PBL) as teaching tool and perceptions of the students. Phase I MBBS students, 150 in total, has voluntarily participated in the study. All the students were randomly divided in to 10 groups with each group having one teaching faculty as in-charge. Before and after each PBL sessions, Multiple Choice questions (MCQ) test was conducted. Along with regular teaching, most of the students preferred to have PBL. The favourable response and acceptability and positive impact on the students made us to continue using more PBL sessions. Further, conducting workshops on PBL may help the medical faculties who are all involved in curriculum development to consider PBL to be incorporated in medical Curriculum, since it can have a positive impact in the process of learning. And implementation of PBL in Medical curriculum requires more number of multi-centred studies which can establish the need for PBL and it’s the benefits in the teaching process of student population.


Critical Thinking, MBBS, Medical Curriculum, Problem Based Learning, Teaching Tool.

Paper Details
IssueIssue 5