Mandibular Position As A Predictor of the Upper Airway Resistance Syndrome

1Oleg I. Admakin, Vladimir A. Frolov, Ivan A. Solop, Bidzina V. Margiani and Maksim V. Kravchenko


The studied problem is urgent as one of the most common complications of the upper airway resistance syndrome (UARS) is chronic insomnia. It constitutes a serious medical and social problem considering a group of risk (children and adolescents). This article is aimed at the determination of the effect produced by the distal position of the lower jaw (distocclusion) on the UARS. The leading method is processing of data obtained during cephalometric studies that enables to determine the anteroposterior position of the lower jaw, craniocervical compensation, and diameter of the upper airways at the tongue base level. During the study it was found out that distocclusion is a direct factor that promotes UARS. This is proved by the luminal narrowing of the upper airways (8.1-9.4 mm) in these patients. The craniocervical angle was greater than 1050 indicating at the compensatory changes in the atlanto-occipital joint. The article can be useful for orthodontists, somnologists, ENT specialists, pediatricians, podiatrists and osteopathologists during an examination and provision of complex aid to children and adolescents.


Dentistry, Orthodontics, Distal Occlusion, Sleep Disturbances, Craniocervical Compensation

Paper Details
IssueIssue 5