A Study of International Migration in Globalization: An Estimation and Interpretation with Special Reference to India

1Manas Roy, Dr Monika Mathur


Globalization is seems to be the one of the dominant dynamic effort for international migration (IM). It is noted from the analyses of globalization and international human migration that different countries begin to lose power to control transnational migration. During the 1980s and 1990s studies show the monetary factors depends on the movements appropriate to thecommunity during the era of Globalization thatdissolve dominance as well as freedom of different countries and promotes IMas elemental component of it. Under contemporary Globalization current policies of migration represent fundamental policy dilemmas for States. Various countries have made progressive hindrances for constitutional entrance of migration. It seems to be premeditated that expanding operation in terms of draconian administration has compelled many states to superset the aspersion of immigrants. The interdependent current system of immigration is acting as world order for national as well as international immigration system. Globalization promotes free movement of economic activities across political boundaries of the states. When we are talking about globalization, we assume and visualize a world divided into fragments by international boundaries by the flow about goods and services and the movable factors of production across the borders towards higher returns. The question arises how far it is true for human migration across the globe.Globalization means connectedness but there seems to be a big disconnectedness between the fundamental concepts of defining globalization and quantifying its characteristics particularly through human migration.It is opined that one of the unique large breakdown is the incapability to build job opportunity in the home country for migration.Otherwise it is the possibility that due to the huge pressure for jobs and survive economically the advantage for home country seems to be evaporate.Unfolding substantial migrationinflows through the universe, regulations for dominating the characteristics, numbers and conditions underneath that individuals from different countries enter nation states have not only turns controversial but politically detrimental also. The major objective of this study is theoretically as well as empirically try to estimate international migration with the help of panel data technique for evidences of globalization. This study is trying to describe international population movements with the help of economic indicators with selected countries to measure the numbers as well as formation of migratory systems of the universe at present. This study is also trying to develop a formulation to comment the reason as well as possibility of migration that is going to happen in the theory to account for the initiation and perpetuation of migratory flows in the present day of the universe of Globalization. As already stated this study has used database on five yrs. gap migrant in-flows to twenty four states by state of provenance and destination, between 1980 and 2015. Countries have been selected on the basis of the top ten countries with the largest number of International migrants (T10CIM). One important thing must be mentioned over here, to make an analysis, this study has consider at most three countries against each and every receiving country from where most international migration has happened. Choosing these countries based on two factors, availability of dataand factor of common countries. This study of migration in the age of globalization define immigration as an internal and opined that the act of immigration occurs in accordance with sets of elements like income, job availability, social welfare and price level. Such approach related to these factors and suitability about operation and application of doctrine matured through the scheme of immigration.is likely to be the main contribution of this paper. There seems to other factors as far as international migration is concerned which restricts free movement of people even in the age of Globalization.


Under contemporary Globalization current policies of migration represent fundamental policy dilemmas for States.

Paper Details
IssueSpecial Issue 1