Socio-Psychological Causes of Juvenile Delinquency and its Prophylaxis

1Kumriniso R. Abdurasulova, Begzod A. Umirzakov


the article presents a comparative analysis of the regional distribution of adult crimes in the Republic of Uzbekistan, the dynamics and level of adult crimes in Russia, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan, its decline in all States, regional differences in adult crimes and the presence of continuous communication between divorced families, personal characteristics of juvenile offenders, causes of juvenile crime and its causes., the role of psychological factors in the Commission of a crime by an adult, micro-randomness in determining the causes of the crime, cause-and-effect relationships are types of social relations, the existence of three different “conditional”, traditional and traditional-dialectical approaches to determining the relationship between cause and effect, socio-psychological aspects of the crime of an adult, psychological characteristics of the adult person.; the types related to the situation, personality, and upbringing of an adult offender who committed a crime involving violence against minors have been studied by interdepartmental commissions on juvenile Affairs-the issue of employment of minors is not ignored, the behavior in the profile of an adult offender deviates from the limits of moral and legal norms, but opinions on correction are reported.


delinquency, juvenile delinquency, causal linkage, causes, conditions, consequences, types of offender, juvenile crime prophylaxis.

Paper Details
IssueSpecial Issue 1