Learning Foreign Vocabulary Using Computer Programs

1Rozanna Abdullaeva, Gulbahor Mirrahimova, Guzal Aminova, Ilona Israilova, Oybek Eshbaev


In this paper, we discussed the possibility of using a computer programs in the process of learning vocabulary. Computer training carries a huge motivational potential. Not only the novelty of working with a computer, which in itself contributes to an increase in interest in learning, but also the ability to regulate the presentation of educational tasks according to the degree of difficulty, encouraging the right decisions positively affect motivation. The development of lexical skills for their subsequent inclusion in students' speech activity is the main task in mastering vocabulary. The use of computer technology in the formation of lexical skills significantly enhances the effectiveness of this process. As we know, skills are divided into two groups: productive and receptive lexical skills. All the operations with lexical units are performed in strict sequence. The computer does not let the student go to the next operation until the previous operation with all lexical units has been completely completed correctly. Repeated execution of these operations contributes to a simpler consolidation of each lexical unit. In addition, thanks to the computer, such exercises do not take much time. The basic principles of using information and communication technologies are an individual approach to each student, increasing motivation for learning and stimulating the educational process, elementary creation and use, as well as orientation towards the integration of academic subjects. Today, there are various directions for using information and communication technologies in teaching a foreign language. Methodological significance of using computer during the independent work of students, studying new material and new topics, as well as for self-testing of acquired knowledge. The innovativeness of information and communication technologies and their capabilities help to design a diverse activity and make it fun and unforgettable. So, computer programs allow us to focus on a specific topic of study or help to activate the cognitive activity of students.


lexical skills, vocabulary, word, communication, productive, lexical skills, previous operation, presentation.

Paper Details
IssueSpecial Issue 1