Influence of Spiritual Intelligence towards Employee Engagement and Intention to Stay by Generation Y Employees in the ICT Sector in Malaysia

11Ayshani Weeratunga, 2Jugindar Singh Kartar Singh, 3Thilageswary Arumugam


The ICT industry in Malaysia is one of primarily industry that contributes to the country’s economy. In the year of 2017, a total of RM 247.1 Billion was contributed to the growth of the country. Gen Y, the Millennial accounts for 2.5 billion throughout the entire world and would form 75% of the employees by 2030. In Malaysia, the Generation Y population consist of 60% of the total employees which is increasing progressively. Nevertheless, Generation Y employees are hard to retain in an organization for a longer time period because their main concern is on short-term based job opportunities along with the higher anticipation of quick results. Hence, Generation Y employees generate a higher turnover rate which has been a challenge for organizations in retaining this workforce. The purpose of this research was to discover the Influence of spiritual intelligence towards employee engagement and intention to stay by Generation Y employees in the ICT sector in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. This is a quantitative research, where a survey will be conducted through a questionnaire to collect the primary data from Generation Y employees in the ICT sector. Structural Equation Modelling will be utilized to assess the relationship by using the tool of SMART-PLS. The results are anticipated to provide new understandings on how Generation Y employees spiritual intelligence could emphasis on the engagement and intention to stay for a longer time period.


Gen Y, Spiritual intelligence, Employee engagement, Intention to stay.

Paper Details
IssueIssue 2