Measuring Parent-Child Relationship (PCR): Development of PC (Adolescent Form) Tool

1U. Sajitha and J Parameswari


Parent-child relationship has a significant impact in a child’s life that, it determines the personality characteristics of the children. Parents are the first teachers from whom the children learn values and behaviors, to be successful individuals in the society. Focusing on the importance of parent-child relationship and considering the research gap in the scales used in the Indian context, it is considered to be blissful in developing a Parent child relationship scale exclusively from the adolescent perspective.500 adolescents with the age group ranging from 13 to 19 were taken. Content and face validity were established with collecting opinions from a panel of experts. After conducting the pilot study (first with 500 samples and second with 150 samples), factor analysis was carried out. From a total of 82 items, 30 items were retained after factor analysis with 6 latent variables. Reliability analysis of the data with second set of 150 samples shows an overall Cronbach alpha of 0.856, which is a relatively a high score. A standard parent-child relationship tool from the adolescent perspective is developed. The complete process of scale development and psychometric properties are presented in this article.


Parent-child relationship, Adolescents, Reliability, Validity

Paper Details
IssueIssue 3