Modern technologies for agriculture: how far Pakistani farmers are from the developed world?

1A.N. Nangraj

2H. Magsi

3M. Sial

4T. Solangi

1Department of Agricultural Economics Sindh Agriculture University Tandojam,
2Department of Agricultural Economics Sindh Agriculture University Tandojam
3Department of Agricultural Economics Sindh Agriculture University Tandojam
4Department of Agricultural Economics Sindh Agriculture University Tandojam


In order to accomplish the objective of the current study household data was collected from one district of Sindh province. Main aim of this study is to find out that which modern technologies are being used at various form level and suggest police measure for technical advancement. For this study a purposive sample selection method was adopted to select Hyderabad, because it was considered that farmers of this location might be more aware about modern technologies due to Sindh Agriculture University and Directorate General of Agriculture extension are situated in this district. Those institutes are organizing awareness seminars/training for farmers of the province. Diversified stakeholders are presenting this region, that is why, we selected the respondents from there. At the second stage, through stratified random sampling method 80 households were selected 50 small, 20 medium and 10 large based on proportion of population size in each category of small medium and large farmers. Stratification was made on the bases of small (farmers own land from 1 to 12 acres), medium (farmers own land from 13 to 25 acres) and large (farmers own land from 26 to 46 acres) farmers. Results revealed that the small farmers predominantly rely on farming for their livelihood. They have limited educational attainment, with the majority completing only primary education. While they exhibit a strong commitment to farming, their relatively small landholding of 3.9 acres and the prevalence of financial challenges, as indicated by total household expenditure exceeding income, suggest potential vulnerabilities. Medium farmers, strikes a balance between farming and education, with a more diverse educational background. With a larger landholding of 16 acres and stable income and expenditure patterns, this household appears to be in a relatively secure financial position. Large farmers exhibit the most favorable economic profile. With a more educated and experienced demographic, extensive land ownership, and strong financial stability, they are positioned for prosperity


Farmer’s Psychology, Modern Technology

Paper Details
IssueIssue 3