Emergence of New Regionalism in South Asia

1Gull Mohd Wani

1Political Science University of Kashmir


Regionalism in south Asia has different meanings than what is meant by it in other regions like European Union, African Union, Organization of American states ,etc because south Asia is prone to many problems be it Terrorism ,Insecurity, Poverty ,Diseases, etc besides this there is mistrust, misunderstanding between and among countries of south Asia particularly India and Pakistan which prevented the region to make any organization that could remove the conflicts between them , the SAARC is concrete example as it is in great trouble ,so now south Asia is looking for alternative regional and trans regional organizations like it become the member of BIMSTEC so to look towards South East Asia and improve their relations by trying to develop common market outside its south Asian region that could upgrade their trade and all in all their relations with the neighbors , India also joined BBIN, consider it as economic corridor which will develop north eastern states of India , By this corridor transfer of goods and services between the member countries will take place, ,In this paper we will discuss problems of SAARC and new regional organizations of south Asia and their impact on the region


Paper Details
IssueIssue 3