An Aristotelian Paradigm of Leadership

1Prof.(Dr.) Laxman Kumar Tripathy


Leadership in a traditional sense has meantconveying a set of instructions from hierarchical structures (such as management) to others to attain certain goals and objectives. This has been followed in businesses for several years and continues to be followed. In view of new emerging business environments, supported with technology developments and threatened by newer forms of competitions, leadership will be searching for other dimensions. This aspect needs a rethink in perspectives of various stakeholders involved within it.  Now it is expected that the leadership must take care of allthe stakeholders and fulfill their expectations.  So,whatexactly does the leadership tothe next generation organizations look likeor do? It is attempted to list some of the characteristics. This list of characteristics is just indicative and not exhaustive. Also, it does not mean that the next generation organization would notnecessarily demonstrate these entire characteristics, but it would likely embody some of these traits. Some of them are Impact Driven, Finance and Business Centric, Technology and Digital Savvy, Continuous Learning, Shared Leadership, Multicultural and Culturally Competent, Consideration to Work-Life Boundaries,Social Responsibility and Environmental Concerns. All these characteristics together resultin value addition to the Management (Board). Thus apart from paying attention to the routine &amp; regular aspects such as making the organization profitable, managing the competition and complying to relevant statuary and legal regulations, leadership tomorrow demands some more. It has to be environment friendly and encompass social empathy. It may give due attention to needs of underprivileged sections of the society and by suitable means try to fulfill those needs. This may not be for image building but for keeping the organization active in the real world. The leadership may try to do activities that result in conservation of natural resources by the organization by undertaking suitable activities that are synergic to their business operations and satisfy, to some extent, needs of all their stakeholders. Indeed, tomorrow’s leadership is challenging, evolving and is in the process of ongoing learning; in the quest for acquiring new knowledge to maintain its coveted position. That’s not impossible but certainly a demanding task ahead of all the new and emerging organizations of tomorrow. <strong>Objective </strong>: The present study compares  the Indian and Western Leadership Models &amp; their variables. <strong>Research Methodology:</strong>Extensive review and analysis of various research papers and articles published over past few years. Resources quoted and borrowed are duly acknowledged. <strong>Outcome</strong>: An understanding of the variables of Eastern and Western Model of Leadership.


Leadership, Next Generation Leaders, Developing tomorrow’s Leaders, Challenges in Leadership

Paper Details
IssueIssue 3