Creative Cornucopia of a Differently Abled

1Dr. J.S. Jahangir


Disability, in many ways, isan intriguing phenomenon, adding value to individual life and redefining what it means to be differently talented. Moreover, disability, as a difference, enriches society and creates a new set of powerful social bonds, responsibilities and opportunities for an individual’s family and society at large. A preliminary definition of disability might be that it is partial or absence, or limitation, of competence. People usually think of disability in contrast to the normal capacity of a human being to perform particular activities and to play one’s role in an accepted social life. Sickness inhibits ability, too, but we distinguish it between sickness that is temporary and disability that is perennial. In principle, the disabled cannot be cured; they can be rehabilitated. Disability herein is used to refer to limitations resulting from dysfunction of the physical body of an individual and his or her mind. However, the core meaning of disability, for most of us, is a psychosomatic one. Blindness, lameness, deafness, mental deficiency, chronic incapacitating illness are some of the prototypical disabilities.


Disability, in many ways, isan intriguing phenomenon, adding value to individual life and redefining what it means to be differently talented

Paper Details
IssueIssue 10