The efficacy and safety of alpha-1 adrenoceptor blocker (Alfuzosin) in improving symptoms and pain in patients with DJ ureteric stent

1Dr. Mazin Adday Hasoon


We conducted a randomized study to evaluate the effect of (Alfuzosin) in improving urinary symptoms and pain in patients with indwelling double-pigtail ureteral stent using specific questionnaire. We prospectively enrolled 60 patients (30 men and 30 women mean age 34.6 years) who underwent ureteral stent positioning and were assigned into one of two study groups. In group A(n=30) patients were discharged with a prescription for (Alfuzosin) 10 mg once daily. In group B(n=30), patients received no α1 blocker (control group). One week after stent placement (visit week 1[W1]), analyses of ureteral stent symptoms questionnaire showed a significant worsening of urinary symptoms (14.2 v 27.2 P=0.008) and pain (5.3 v 20.4 P=0.002) in patients not receiving (Alfuzosin). There was also a significant difference in the mean visual analogue score (VAS) of health scale between the two groups (P<0.001) compared with the results obtained at the(visit week 4 [W4]) evaluation. The proportion of patients developing acute attacks of pain and the numbers of diclofenac injections at week 1 varied between the two groups in a highly statistically significant manner (P<0.0001). Our findings indicate that administration of (Alfuzosin) has a significant effect on stent-related urinary symptoms and pain for improving quality of life. Further clinical research in this field is needed to better define the role of α1-blockers in current clinical practice.


alpha-1, adrenoceptor, blocker, Alfuzosin, DJ ureteric stent

Paper Details
IssueIssue 8