The effectiveness of the Strategy of PDEODE in the development of critical thinking among fourth-grade literary students in history

1Dr. Abdulbaset Abbas Muhammad Al-Janabi


The goal of the research is to find out the effectiveness of The Bedoy strategy in the development of historical thinking among fourth-grade literary students in the subject of history by verifying the following zero hypothesis: There is no statistically significant difference at (05.0) and between the average grades of female students in the experimental group who study the subject of the history of Arab-Islamic civilization, using the strategy of The Bedoyand and the average grades of the female students of the control group who study the same subject using the traditional method . The researcher was rewarded between the two groups in the variables, tribal critical thinking test, the age of the students calculated in months, grades of the history subject for the previous year, iq test scores, academic achievement of parents, and the researcher used the experimental method in applying his experiment, and to measure the critical thinking the researcher adopted the test Watson and Klaser which consists of (75) paragraphs distributed on five main tests and was verified honesty and difficulty factor and strength excellence and stability of the vertebrae,and by the processing of data data showed the results exceeded the group's superiority over the officer in the study of the test Critical thinking, and in the light of the results of the research, the researcher recommends attention to the use of modern strategies teaching, including the strategy of Bedoydi in teaching the subject of the history of ArabIslamic civilization to the fourth grade literary, and to complete the current study, the researcher suggested several proposals is to study the impact of the strategy of Bedoi in other variables and stages of study.


Strategy of PDEODE, critical thinking, fourth-grade literary .

Paper Details
IssueIssue 10