Underwater Communication Using Wireless Sensor Networks

1P. Renuka Devi, R. Niverthana and P. Sampriti


Underwater wireless communications have gained a considerable interest during the last years. Underwater communication refers to the technique of sending and receiving messages below water. Underwater communication is extreme attributable to factors like various way spread, little accessible transfer speed and incredible sign weakening, particularly over long ranges. Underwater communication has low information rates than earthly correspondence. The proposed framework utilizes remote sensor systems associated in a chain way. It wipes out the challenges in go limitations and makes information move increasingly productive. A correspondence plot called AA-RP (AUV-Aided Routing Method Integrated Path Planning) is utilized. In AA-RP, AUV gathers information from sensor hubs following a unique way, which is arranged without anyone else's input simultaneously. At the point when sensor hubs send information to next bounce, a piece of them send information parcel straightforwardly, which can decrease the vitality utilization. Depending on the dynamic way of AUVs, the system topology can be modified and these sensor hubs, which is close to sink hubs, can defeat the vitality opening issue.


AUV - AA-RP - Underwater - Wireless Sensor - Sensor Hubs

Paper Details
IssueIssue 5