Reality of American Social Life in the Novels of John Grisham

1Sarvar Akobirova, Ravshan Niyazov


The article discusses the courtroom cases and their artistic originality in contemporary American writer John Grisham’s works. His works, affecting the complex social problems that are relevant to contemporary American reality (race relations, the death penalty, corruption), as well as a detailed description of the problems and shortcomings in the actions of the judiciary, the legal system and the state. Literary critics and literary critics have noted a significant contribution to the development of this trend in American detective prose. Noting that the plot, legal thriller as in any type of detective narrative is a crime, its investigation and disclosure, the researchers, emphasizing the importance of the figure of the detective for the development of a detective plot, determine the name of this type of detective story - a lawyer using the means of attaining justice available to him. Accordingly, the main heroes in the novels of John Grisham are investigators, judges, lawyers, and the goal is to reveal how the legal system works and how justice is done. The artistic space in which the development of legal thrillers by John Grisham takes place appears as a field of activity for huge, powerful social structures from which human content has been completely emasculated. In order to expose the inhumanity of the laws governing their activities, most of his works are based on the duel of the main characters with a complex system of social structures for the administration of justice.


legal detective, thriller courtroom cases, comparison, novel, political and social problems, detective, psychological and philosophical attitudes, literary analysis, literary character.

Paper Details
IssueSpecial Issue 1