Creation of a New Generation of Teaching Literature - A Requirement of Modernity

1Mamadaliev K.R., Jabborova O.M., Umarova Z.A., Abdullayeva B.P.


The article is devoted to creation of a new generation of teaching literature, in which the actuality of creation of a new generation of teaching literature, the modern teaching book and its creation as a essential requirement of the modernity, didactic requirements for creation of a new generation of teaching and teaching methodical literature and mechanisms of their creation, criterion and indicators of estimation of quality of teaching and teaching methodical literature, creation of a new generation of teaching literature for newly instituted directions of education. In any production process, among all the tools used, one is distinguished, which is considered the main, main. The textbook is recognized as such the main instrument of the teacher’s labor. Of course, our textbooks need improvement, an urgent need has arisen for the creation of fundamentally new textbooks. The question is not whether the textbooks are good or bad, but how they meet the current requirements of the family, society and the state for the education system and the textbook as one of the main tools of this system, and how much they fit into the information society in the conditions of which we live. If you put the question in this way, the answer to it is quite obvious: most of today's textbooks are made in the format that has existed for almost unchanged for decades. In the format of "a storehouse of knowledge", gradually - in portions - "put" in the heads of children. Meanwhile, the situation in the modern information society has changed - and it has changed not only “quantitatively” (in terms of volume, content and rate of change of knowledge), but also qualitatively (in the way they are acquired and modernized). Therefore, the fact that today a textbook, coming out of the pen of an author, is already becoming obsolete, and when leaving typography, it is often getting hopelessly outdated - this is a serious but not the main problem. A deeper problem is that the way we interact with new information has changed dramatically. We often hear lamentations: they say our children have stopped reading, and our country is becoming less reading. You should not take these complaints too unambiguously, because they indicate a lack of understanding of very significant changes in the ways of life of modern people.


Teaching literature, a new generation of teaching literature, modem textbook, didactic requirements for creation of a new generation of teaching literature, mechanisms of creation of a new generation of teaching literature, criterion of estimation, newly instituted directions of education.

Paper Details
IssueSpecial Issue 1