E-Book as a Means of Distance Learning

1Feruza Bozarova, Mokhira Azizova, Mavluda Fayzieva, Ziyoda Abdullaeva, Aziza Azizova


The article deals with the issues based on analyzing the role of e-book in teaching process as a part of modern information technology. An electronic book is considered as the most common resource for distance learning, as it contains the necessary theoretical material, as well as control, laboratory work, simulators, tests, tasks for creative activity, etc. An electronic book is a hypertext system for the organization of educational material, the presentation of information in the form of a graph, the nodes of which contain text elements (pages), there are links between the nodes that can be used to switch from one text element to another, due to which simplicity of navigation and interactivity of the resource is provided (work in the dialogue mode with the user). An e-book should not just repeat a similar print edition, but should supply it. The purpose of creating an e-book is to take advantage of information and communication technologies that will most effectively in the content of educational material and increase the degree of its comprehension by students. Another advantage of the e-book is the ability to use hyperlinks on its pages, which allow you move quickly to the study of the selected moment (term, process or phenomenon described in the book), it is possible to use hyperlinks to other electronic educational resources, reference books, virtual laboratories, websites, etc.An electronic book, which includes not only text and graphic information, but also audio and video clips, allows you to individualize training, and unlike a printed book, it has interactive capabilities - it can present the necessary information at the request of the student. This brings the e-book closer to tutoring. The student’s independent work with the electronic book accustoms him to an independent search for solutions to problems, stimulates the learner’s cognitive activity, and contributes to the formation of ICT competence.


e-book, ability, IT, technology, distance learning, hyperlinks, hypertext.

Paper Details
IssueSpecial Issue 1