Reception Information System and Cash ExpenditureBusiness Rental Services

11Daniel Nababan, 2Ignatius Oki Dewa Brata, 3Citra Mariana, 4Hesty Juni Tambuati Subing


Companies in the industry must be able to survive the conditions in the industrial market. Therefore, companies are required to be able to develop along with the development and needs of the community in the industry. The more developed the life of the community, the more developed the food needs of the community. Accounting Information System is a series of components within the company that are used to produce data that has been processed to produce the right decision, so that it can produce financial statements, which will later be used by parties who have an interest in the company. The final results of the accounting information system built are expected to be able to make the information in the financial statements more reliable in planning, decision making, and control. The method used in this research is descriptive method. related to decision making and other policies. The main activities carried out by CV. RMT is providing car rental services. There are two proposed procedures designed by the author consisting of cash disbursement procedures and cash receipts. Procedures that are made are accompanied by data flow diagrams and flow charts.


Accounting information systems, Cycles - accounting information system cycles, Flowcharts, Information systems for cash receipts and disbursements

Paper Details
IssueIssue 2