The Therapeutic Power of Writing: Stress Relief and Student Success



Stress and student success are tied closely together. Primarily, students stress about their academic success, grades, and overall results. Secondly, other sources of stress negatively impact student performance and prevent them from reaching their maximum potential. In this seemingly endless circle, students can easily get lost. [] Luckily, there are stress relief strategies for overcoming this issue and reaching a balanced state of mind as a student. Writing is seen as one of the most efficient ways to heal yourself from the inside. Below, we’ll discuss the therapeutic power of writing for students. Types of Writing You Can Explore When we say therapeutic power of writing, most of you automatically think about journaling about your emotions. While this is one of the types of writing that can help you get in touch with your inner self, others can be equally as powerful. The trick is to find the type of writing that works best for you. The most prominent writing forms include: • journaling • writing poetry • writing affirmations • writing letters to yourself or others • writing any type of fiction • stream of consciousness You don't need to be skilled or talented in writing to engage in this type of activity. It's not like academic writing, where you need paper writing websites to help you do it right. In this case, there are no mistakes. Each of these forms can have a different effect on a person, and you could try out several of them until you find the one that works best for you. Stress Relief & Therapeutic Power of Writing Choosing the right type of writing is the first step toward reaching the therapeutic power of writing. So, what are the benefits that you can expect to see? What makes writing so efficient for student's stress relief? Let's take a closer look. 1. Clearing Your Mind Do you ever feel like your mind is all mixed up, and you can’t get a hold of your thoughts? So many students feel this way, especially during exam season. And, with more than 45% of college students admitting they feel extremely stressed out, it’s important to react. Writing can help ground those thoughts and reach a state of clarity of mind. While you write, you guide your thoughts from your mind to the paper, control how they flow, and organize them outside your head. 2. Introspective So many students lose touch with their inner selves, as they don’t have the time or the right tools to deal with their mental health. Writing can help gain valuable introspection, which is primarily: • understanding who you are • defining your emotions • facing your problems • knowing your needs Through writing and then reading what you’ve written, you can have a conversation with yourself and regain that connection you’ve lost. 3. Self-Reflection Another major stressful feeling that students often experience is the feeling of being lost. Students feel like they don’t know where they’re headed or how they’ll get there. With writing, this stressor can be diminished as well. The best example is journaling, a form of writing that follows the daily or weekly events in your life. You get to write how you feel, what you plan on doing, what happened, and so on. Later, when you return to read your entries, you’ll gain important insight about yourself and feel more confident in continuing in that direction. 4. Setting Goals Finally, writing is great for those students who need some sort of physical evidence that they’re moving forward and they have a plan. Setting goals can be extremely motivating for young people, and some even feel lost without it. Students can write down their goals and for each goal several important elements: • priority level • plan on how to achieve it • different phases • success for each phase • potential issues • different solutions This helps remove the stress of trying to achieve your goals and makes you feel more secure and determined in your academic and personal journey. Final Thoughts Yes, writing can immensely positively affect students who struggle with stress. The important thing is to choose the type of writing that suits your needs the most and try to create a writing routine. The therapeutic power of writing is real, and it’s there; you just need to reach out to it. Give it a try, and we’re sure you’ll soon be sensing the benefits we’ve covered above.


journaling, writing poetry, writing affirmations

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