Mental Health Education with Simulation Models on Family Ability in Treating Patients of Mental Disorders with Quasi-Experiment Method

1Nia Restiana, Neni Sholihat


Mental disorders are maladaptive responses to stressors originating from internal or external that cause changes in mental function that cause suffering to individuals and / or obstacles in carrying out social roles. Prevalence of mental disorders according to Riskesdas 2013 data was 1.7 while Riskesdas data in 2018 prevalence of severe mental disorders was 7. Family dysfunction is one of the causes of mental disorders. The family is a small unit and is the unit closest to the client and is the "primary nurse" for the client. One way to improve the family's ability is by mental health education with model simulation. The general objective of this study is to describe the effect of mental health education with a simulation model on the ability of families to care for family members who have mental disorders. The research design used was a "Quasi-experimental", the with a sample size of 30 respondents. The results showed that there was an influence of mental health education with a simulation model on the cognitive and psychomotor abilities of families in caring for family members who have mental disorders (p-values 0.029 and 0,000). Education with a simulation model is recommended to be conducted on the order of health services in the community as a form of health services for families who have family members who experience mental disorders. As well as being the basis for consideration and thought in developing and implementing therapy.


Mental disorders, psychomotor abilities, stressors originating.

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IssueIssue 8

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