Assessment of IL-6, IFN-Y and CRP levels in patient with diabetic foot

1Hala saleem jumaa, Angham Jasim Mohammed Ali


Diabetic foot is one of the main causes of mortality and morbidity among people with diabetes. Its include an injury to all layers of skin, necrosis or gangrene that usually occur on the soles of the feet, as a result of peripheral neuropathy(PN) or peripheral arterial disease (PAD) in diabetes patients , diabetes have about a 25% chance of developing a foot ulcer in their lifetime, This study aimed to investigate the role of some immune parameters such interlukin-6 (IL- 6) and interferon-y (IFN-y) among patients with diabetic foot . This study was conducted on a total of (150) individual in different sex and age group cases (48 males + 92 females) including (50) patients with diabetic foot (DF) and (50)diabetic patient without foot syndrome and (50) healthy individuals. DM patients were recruited at specialist center for endocrinology and diabetic in Baghdad governorate, through the duration of the beginning of September 2019 till the end of December 2019. All patients diagnosed with DM by HBA1c test. The age range of the study population was from (15-75). Blood was withdrawn from a vein, the serum was used for immunological tests including IL-6 ,IFN-y and HSCRP by ELISA technique. The study showed that DF more common in male (64.0%) rather than female (36.0%), with incidence among age groups (˃60), (38.0%), and in rural (66.0%) rather than urban (34.0%) areas. The Study also showed DF significantly common among type 2 diabetes than type1 (68.0%) , (32%) respectively . and (52%) of DF patient had disease duration longer than 10 years. The findings revealed that diabetic foot patients had a significantly higher mean of IL-6 than the DM patient and healthy Group, 123.1 vs. 104.7 and 86.0 respectively (P. value <0.05) DF group also had a significantly higher mean of IFN-Y than the DM patient and healthy Group, 44.8 vs. 37.8 and 23.6 respectively as (P. value < 0.05). DF group had a significantly higher mean of CRP than DM patient and control, 67.1 vs. 58.9 and 32.1 respectively (P. value <0.01), There was a significant direct (positive) correlation between IL-6 and CRP, IFN-Y (p < 0.05).


peripheral neuropathy (PN), diabetic patient, peripheral arterial disease

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IssueIssue 4

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