The Psychological Pollution And Its Role In The Effectiveness Of The Administrative Performance Of International Stadiums Staff (Baghdad, Arbil ,Basrah)

1Mohannad Talib Abed, Saqr Ghena Irhayyim, Thamer Hammad Rija,


The target of research is to know the percentage of the psychological pollution and its role in the effectiveness of the administrative performance of international stadiums staff (Baghdad , Arbil , Basrah). The researcher assumed that there is a statistically significant relationship between psychological pollution and the effectiveness of administrative performance of international stadium staff (Baghdad , Arbil , Basrah).The importance of the research lies in studying serious consequences for Iraqi society as it passes through difficult circumstances from the wars that rocked it, which led to the disappearance of ideals , honesty , and sincerity While a number of negative phenomena, such as bribery, embezzlement, fraud, monopoly, theft and murder, were overshadowed, as integrity, chastity and sincerity in the work became a subject of mockery, and the employee in state institutions who did not bribe plaintiffs became to them, and through statistical results it was revealed that there is an inverse relationship between the variables of the research, and the researcher recommended a generalization The results of the study on other international stadiums in Iraq and the spread of instructional awareness and psychological culture through the establishment of various workshops and symposiums.


psychological pollution, role in the effectiveness, administrative performance, international stadiums staff.

Paper Details
IssueIssue 9