An Assessment of the Factors Effecting the Occupational Health and Safety Practices – An Empirical Study in Ethiopian Flori Culture Industry

1Dr. S.M. Murali Krishna, Auadhati Datta, V. Sivajee, N. Ramya


Horticulture is known as the science, innovation, and business which are associated with serious plant development for human utilization. It is finished by the person in a nursery and it's likewise performed by the global organization, which is exceptionally different in its exercises, consolidating plants for nourishment (natural products, vegetables, mushrooms, culinary herbs) and non-nourishment crops (blossoms, trees and bushes, turf-grass, jumps, restorative herbs). Floriculture or Flower cultivating which is a control in the field of agriculture worried about the development of blooming and fancy plants for gardens and for floristry, involving the flower business. The improvement plant reproducing of new assortments is a significant control of floriculturists (Dagnachew, 2014). The bloom business is at present extending everywhere throughout the world. As indicated by the Journal of Environmental Health Perspectives, the horticulture business at present utilizes around 190,000 individuals all through the creating scene. Consistently, around 30 billion dollar is produced from the International blossom industry (EHP, 2002). Keeping the Occupational Health and security (OHS) of representatives is one of the most significant part of human concern, OHS goes for an adjustment of workplace to labourers for the advancement and support of the most elevated level of physical, mental and social being of labourers in all occupations (Takele and Mengesha, 2006). Nonetheless, Different examination's shows that the Importance of Occupational wellbeing and security rehearses are dismissed front. The gardening business in Ethiopia additionally in spite of its tremendous commitment to the national economy it is intensely condemned for infringement of Occupational wellbeing and security rehearses (Amman, 2011 and Wudineh, 2012). So as to diminish the Occurrence of word related rates in the work place and to propose the proper worker wellbeing and security measures, first it is important to get to the representatives' wellbeing and wellbeing rehearses association under examination.


Horticulture, Floriculture, Plant reproducing, Environmental Health Perspectives, culinary herbs, restorative herbs, working condition, Occupational wellbeing and security rehearses.

Paper Details
IssueIssue 2