An Analytical Study on Health and Safety of Differently-Abled Workforce Employed in Indian IT Organizations

1K Raghavi, Dr. N. Gopinathan


Life is a roller coaster filled with lot of thrills, twists and turns. Once your ride is complete you get down with a big sigh of relief but do not stop there instead try it once more. In this fast paced life survival becomes very difficult if you are not able to sell and one such place to prove your skills is the work place. In this research article we use the term differently- abled instead of disabled as the society is fast approaching to a pace where there is no discrimination. Providing Health and Safety to Differently-Abled is a major and visible factor of ethical business. The Paper focuses on Health and Safety of Differently-Abled Employees in Indian IT Organizations w.r.t to Chennai. A sample of 20 was collected from various Differently-Abled employees in IT Organizations .The aim of the paper is to find out from the targeted respondents if they have provisions for proper health and safety at the work place and give suggestions for the same.


Health and Safety, differently–abled, IT industry

Paper Details
IssueIssue 3