Lack Evidence of Renal Impairment Complaints among Multiple Sclerosis Patients

1Gheyath Al Gawwam, Ahmed Emad Mohammed, Zuhair A. Al-Johar, Ali Abdulmajid Dyab Allawi and Faten Abdulghani Hammoudi


Introduction: Multiple sclerosis MS is a demyelinated, inflammatory disease. Several researches referred that the dysfunction in non-neural tissues play a crucial role in MS disease pathogeneses. Patients and methods: 150 patient were included in this study, the demographic data has been obtained from all patients, as well as renal function, co-morbidities, and type of MS, type of drug and bladder symptoms has been recorded. Results: our results showed that renal function test was follow, (mean ± SD) serum creatinine 0.9 ± 1.6, blood urea 35.2 ± 15.7 and eGFR 111.4 ± 35.2. Co-morbidities, hypertension (20) patients and diabetes (10) patients. Higher numbers of patients were diagnosed with RRMS (128) patients and lower numbers were SPMS (5) patients. Most of patients were used on Interferon-beta drug (114) patients. Generally, (55) patient were complain from incontinence bladder, (50) patient were complain from retention and (31) patients were complain from recurrent UTI. Conclusion: we revealed to that renal impairment may not associated with MS regarding to our finding, but MS could associate with bladder problems.


MS, Renal Impairment and Bladder Problems.

Paper Details
IssueIssue 5