Symbol and its expression through abstract lexical (based on Uzbek language materials)

1Muhayyo Hakimova, Alisher Navoi


In this article, we aimed to study the phenomenon of symbol and its abstract expression through lexicon based on Uzbek language materials. The article examines the expression of the sign through concrete and abstract lexical. For example, it was determined that the green sign of the Leaf differs from each other in that the sign of laziness of a person. In this place, concrete and abstract symbols are allocated, and the main attention is paid to the words that represent the abstract symbol. Abstract words that symbolize the symbol are divided into two large groups: names that symbolize the abstract symbol in pure form, and names that symbolize the abstract symbol as a substance. Words that denote an abstract symbol in pure form, express such how a particular abstract symbol is, and they are symbolistic of the adjective category. We knit such words in the article as an abstract adjective. And the names that denote the abstract symbol as a substance belong to the noun category, and we studied with the term "symbol" meaning abstract nouns.


symbol, abstract lexical, abstract symbol, abstract and concrete nouns, semantic structure of abstract nouns, component method of analysis, abstract adjectives, signs of something, substansiya.

Paper Details
IssueIssue 4