Three Tire Security System for Electronic Voting Machine

1Dr.D.R.V.A. Sharath Kumar, N. Soumya, Bhukya Ramesh, Thatikayala Sandeep


India is the great hegemonic part planet, the choices that make up our nation's founding. Among the unquestionable guides, representative is running country and searching and checking for general community issues, bits authority and sacred updates. The bulk of the effort is to be straightforward in optional technology and to make validity options reasonable and to withstand any sound. Craze free races are important problem in current conditions 1, it likes finding needles in package that requires an eye and money is being spent to ensure that races are correct and unbiased. Security is also fundamental to defending voters, intimidating and settling on reasonable options for survey announcements. Regardless, nowadays, various awkward energy is involved in duplicate voting, and late launching has been blamed for choice abnormalities, leading to ambiguity between study results actual choice given by entire community. Building overview site voting systems that are close to various other PC-based voting systems to address challenges such as cost, voter error and vote checking. This project proposes another best class electronic voting machine diagram test for selective reliability, which relies on practical biometric construction using special fingerprint receipt close to idea near distance communication, to give a simple action.


Raspberry Pi Board (ARM11), X-bee wireless communication, RFID Technology, Biometric Module, GPRS, Sensor data acquisition, LINUX OS

Paper Details
IssueIssue 1